Maurizio Cilli and Stefano Mirti are the two curators who will be working alongside the festival steering team. Their proposal was selected among 67 others through a call published in July 2019. Here are their short profiles:
Maurizio Cilli
Architect, artist and curator of public art, in 1993 he was among the founders of the Turin collective Città Svelata and is currently engaged in projects aimed at enhancing the quality of public space. From 2010 to 2016 he collaborated as a researcher and designer with the Giulio Einaudi Foundation. In 2012 and 2013 he worked as tutor advisor for Design Master dissertations at Domus Academy in Milan. He teaches and trains in various workshops on design culture and living.
Stefano Mirti
Designer, teacher, partner of IdLab. Since many years he has engaged on the new frontiers of teaching: Design 101, Relational Design, and many other projects. He was social media manager at Expo Milano 2015 for two years. Since September 2017, director of the High School of Applied Art at Castello Sforzesco in Milan. From July 2019, president of the Fondazione Milano.